The BCTECHSummit was again a great success

March, 2019, British Columbia, Canada. The 2019 #BCTECHSummit event was again a great success and we had the opportunity to collaborate and be a community partner of this international conference.

CMX Partnerships Director presented research and recommendations on trade policy to ABAC leaders

March, 2019. Atlanta, United States. CMX Partnerships Director and principal researcher, Mr. Juan Navarro, was chosen by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) to complete one of their most important

CMX Partnerships is proudly again a community partner of the most important business event in Western Canada: the BCTECHSummit

Our company is pleased to announce that is partnering with the #BCTECHSummit once again! The theme for this new edition is “The Reality Revolution” Dates: March 11 – 13, 2019

CMX Partnerships director is chosen by ABAC to complete an international Research Project

December, 2018, British Columbia, Canada. Juan Navarro, CMX Partnerships Director and Principal researcher, was recently chosen by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) to conduct one of their most important

CMX Partnerships organized meetings for the visit to Victoria, BC of the Consul General of Mexico in Vancouver

BC, Canada, June 2018. We were honoured to organize some meetings because of the visit to Victoria from the Consul General of Mexico in Vancouver, Mrs. Berenice Diaz. The goal

CMX Partnerships Director has been chosen to be one of the Top 75 Finalists for the 10th annual RBC Canada Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards 2018

Canada, April 2018. We’re pleased to share that CMX Partnerships founder, Juan Navarro, has been chosen to be one of the Top 75 Finalists for the 10th annual @RBC_CanadaTop 25

The university of Calgary released research project completed by CMX Partnerships in collaboration with Transpacific Connections

Canada, January 2018. The prestigious School of Public Policy of the University of Calgary released the research paper completed by Hugh Stephens, a former member of Foreign Affairs Canada and

CMX Partnerships promotes a new Memorandum of Understanding between RRU and UAGro

Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sep 2017. As part of the agenda of the High-level educational mission organized by our company for the Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMex) to visit British Columbia;

CMX Partnerships organized a working meeting between Mitacs Canada and CUMex

Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sep 2017. As part of the agenda of the High-level educational mission organized by our company for the Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMex) to visit British Columbia;

BCCIE and CUMex signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which was encouraged by CMX Partnerships

Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sep 2017. As part of the agenda of the educational mission to visit BC organized by our company for the Consortium of Mexican Universities (CUMex); the Memorandum